Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Our wood has finally arrived! Whoohoo! Yeah! Hooray! After being on back order for over 2 months our hardwood floors are officially sitting in our soon to be new home, in boxes, acclimating to their surroundings for 10 days! It was a great day in the Myers household today!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daddy's Birthday!

Today we celebrated Dave's birthday! His birthday is actually tomorrow, but with work and ballet our Monday's get pretty hectic. The day was nice because we weren't doing much of anything; we had a yummy breakfast, played together then we ended our evening with Dave's favorite dinner- steak! The girls and I had gotten up this morning and baked him a midnight chocolate cake which is a family tradition on his side of the family for birthdays and so after dinner we sang and blew out candles. The girls had gone with me earlier in the week to each pick out something for him for his birthday. Taylor bought him a stuffed dog to sleep with and Maddie picked out some shorts for him. Dave did a great job of playing along while opening his gifts because Taylor had already told him numerous times what his presents were and Maddie handed him his present and promptly said: "Shorts. In there." It was all very cute! I had picked out a few books for him and Taylor of course told him that as well! He also has wanted to go and see Tom Petty at the Gorge this summer and so he and I will be going there in August as a post birthday celebration! It was a fun and relaxing day!

Maddie ,Dave and Taylor
Maddie, Dave and Taylor

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Taylor, Maddie and I have been happily traveling this past month from Olympia to Everett for my sisters baby showers! The girls and I enjoyed all five (yes, I said 5!) of them. Taylor was the official "opener" of all the presents and Maddie was the official "wrapping paper garbage girl". They were quite the team. Darci had her last shower today hosted by one of her husbands Aunt's. It was lovely! It is official...the nursery is STUFFED with all kinds of wonderful things, the diaper bag is packed for the hospital and Darci and the baby have had many well wishes from family and friends. Now we just have to patiently await the arrival of my niece! Darci is a wonderful aunt "Nana" to my girls and I know that she will make the greatest mother ever! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Taylor, Nana and Maddie!

Grandma Cathy, Darci and our mom, Grandma Kathy!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I am starting to think that we are having some bad luck right now with social activities that we have planned for Taylor. Yesterday it was soccer and today it was ballet. Taylor has been taking ballet classes since January and has had an amazing teacher, Miss M.C. When we got to ballet today, Miss M.C. was not there which was weird because she is always there when we are arriving with the kids. There was a huge poster board with all these pictures in the middle of the room with a letter attached to it. The letter stated that Miss M.C. and another ballet instructor had left to start their own dance school and that we would now have a new teacher. Come to find out that Miss M.C. was actually let go from the ballet school because she was opening her own dance school in September. We were so sad to hear this news because she was amazing with all the three and four year old girls! The way that we found out was not great either; kids need to have closure on certain things and being able to explain things to them is important. I wish that someone had called us to let us know so that we could prepare Taylor for this change! I know that she will adjust and be just fine but we will certainly miss Miss M.C. I have included a few pictures of Taylor at her "free dance" which they have once a month! You will also see that Maddie is getting into the spirit of things as well- anything Taylor does, Maddie wants to do. She has to be 3 before she can join Taylor in the ballet class. She will be an expert though when she is finally old enough!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Our little girl, is little no longer! Today, Taylor very excitedly put on shin guards (pink of course!), socks (those were pink too!) and soccer cleats to go to her very first soccer practice.

As you can see in this picture, she is quite proud of herself! Dave said that she came upstairs and announced: "Her comes the soccer girl!" It almost brought him to tears.

Taylor and I went up to the practice site and we sat in the car for a few minutes looking for the others to show up. After 5 minutes or so, I got this horrible feeling in my stomach because no one had shown up yet. Finally, one of the mom's who had coordinated the whole thing came to the school. Taylor and I got out and waited for her. As soon as she saw us she said :"Oh, my gosh, I haven't sent out the email about starting soccer yet. I am so sorry!" At this point, my heart sank and the look on Taylor's face was enough to make me almost start to cry. In the end, Taylor and I had a "practice" of our own~ she is quite good I should add! Needless to say, because this is a neighborhood team just getting together casually, I went straight home to check and find out when I could sign her up for the itty bitty soccer through the YMCA!

Here is Taylor enjoying her first soccer moments....

On a funny note...Maddie didn't want to go to the practice today because she refused to put on any clothes! I will leave you with this picture which pretty much sums up Miss Maddie Girl- Happy!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Day At the Ocean!

After being sent a baby announcement card from a friend it led me to spend over an hour looking at her beautiful blog about her family and here I am officially starting my own blog! It will be a work in progress for sure! I hope to add all the "cute" stuff to it just as soon as I can learn how to add it!

Dave, Taylor, Maddie and I spent an incredible day at the ocean during my spring break. It was the only day that it didn't rain and it was truly a beautiful, sunny (but very windy) day. The girls love the beach and as soon as we arrived Taylor was off and running; making sandcastles, collecting rocks and begging her daddy to fill up her bucket with ocean water. Maddie took a little bit of time to warm up to the beach. She claimed that she: "Not like it!" Once Dave and I started to bury her feet in the sand she changed her mind quickly! The girls spent the entire day rolling down sandy beach hills, burying mom and dad's hands and feet and building lots of sand castles. It was a great way to end a rainy spring break!