Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Zoo, First Overnighters and Parties!

Reality is setting in here at the Myers household! Dave has been back to work since July 31st and I have gone back as of Monday-ugh! It is so easy to forget how hard it is to keep everything going- laundry, dinner, lunches, a clean house- while you are working. I am pretty sure we will manage but it is going to take us some time to get back into that work routine! In the meantime we have been keeping busy doing last minute activities with family and friends. Last week Taylor, Maddie, my mom and myself went to the Woodland Park Zoo. We had a ton of fun and the weather was just perfect- not too hot and not raining! Taylor's favorite part of the trip were the flamingo's and the hippo's and surprisingly, Maddie's favorite were the snakes! Her mom could hardly look in the glass windows without cringing!

This was as close as I would get to taking a SNAKE picture! As you can see, it is behind a rock- which is why I took this picture :)

After the zoo, we drove to my sister's house to have an overnight visit with Emilie. Darci and Paul went camping for the day/evening so we got to watch her overnight for the first time! Emilie was an ANGEL, slept all night (hooray!) and kept us all entertained! She is so darn cute! The picture I took of our adventure sums up why I am thankful I only have two kids and not three!!

Here are all three of the girls- Taylor under the jungle gym, Maddie on the horse and Emilie in her vibrating chair!

The next day, we celebrated Paul's 30th birthday at their house. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and visiting. It was a hot day so of course, the girls had to strip down (I forgot their bathing suits!!) and run through the sprinkler. The highlight of the evening though was cracking the pinata that Paul got as a gift! The girls had a ton of fun with this. Taylor did all the hitting on the pinata and after Maddie got the idea of the whole thing was mainly the chaser and picker of candy off the ground! Needless to say both girls went home with a gallon size zip lock bag full of candy.

Finally, we ended our weekend with a baby shower for my cousin Katie. I didn't take any pictures (sorry Katie!) but we had lots of fun, great food and loved watching her open up boy clothes- something we haven't done in our family yet! Katie of course looks absolutely gorgeous and is just glowing with happiness!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Labor Day! We are staying in town this year and Saturday Dave and I head up to go to the Cougar game at Qwest field with some of our friends. Then, cleaning, grocery shopping and getting ready for the first day of school!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Pet Parade

Saturday we attended the 79th annual Pet Parade downtown. This is one of my all time favorite parades because it is all about the kids! Each year, the parade has a different theme and it is up to the kids (and their parents of course!) to somehow incorporate the theme using any type of pet that they have. The pet can be real or stuffed :) This years theme was the Summer Olympics. Taylor and Maddie loved watching it this year and became very involved in running out and picking up candy that the kids were throwing. Thankfully Taylor thinks that Oscar would not enjoy being in the parade so we will get to enjoy watching the parade again next year instead of being in it! I hope everyone is off to a great start to their week. I will be back soon with pictures from the wedding we went to on Saturday night- If you can believe it, I actually forgot my camera but Jill has promised to send me some from her camera.

The Myers Girls, Gentry Girls, Kruse Girls, the Larson's, Chrissy, Jen and the random grandpa who stopped to talk and have a picture with us!

Maddie loved the little dog with his dumbell!

Taylor looking on as all the animals pass by her.

This float was made by a woman I work with and her granddaughter. This has become a tradition they do each year together.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hot Summer Days

The last few days we have been keeping cool in many different ways....hanging out with friends, playing outside in the sprinkler and laying low in the air conditioned house! As you will see by the pictures all have been fun! Wishing everyone a great weekend- we are looking forward to going to Whidbey Island for a wedding! ~Heather~

Taylor had fun with her friend Brooks at the Marina earlier this week.

Madison decided that the best way to cool off in the HOT sun was to be in her birthday suit! She picked lots of beautiful flowers!

Emilie (3 months on the 19th) and Nana came for a visit! It was too hot for Emilie to be outide so we played inside with her!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Camano Island

Yesterday morning, the girls and I got up bright and early and headed to Camano Island to spend the day with some of the Myers clan! My sister tagged along as well which was so nice. We got to spend lots of time with all of the cousins! When we got to the house the kids played and the adults got to eat yummy snacks and chit chat (this never happens with no kid interruptions!). We ate a wonderful lunch of oriental chicken salad and taco salad and then headed to the pool that they have in their neighborhood for all to enjoy. Boy oh boy did the kids have fun! They swam for a little close to 3 hours! What's best is that I didn't have to get into the pool :) Grandma Lynette graciously offered to have that duty! Thanks Grandma!! After the kids got out of the pool we got to eat lots of ice cream and the kids basically crashed on the couch and spent some time all snuggled up together watching Peter Pan. It was a quiet ride back to Olympia last night!

Here is my first "official" video on the blog- It is nothing fabulous- just the kids having a great time with Grandma Lynette in the pool.

Look at how cute these 2 are! Luke and out-next summer they'll be in the pool also!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Leavenworth and the Movies....

I forgot to mention that on our way to Crescent Bar that we met my mom in Leavenworth. We had so much fun eating lunch at Gustav's, walking in all kinds of shops and of course, eating ice cream! Taylor and Maddie loved the Christmas shop and had to pet (gently) the life size Santa's! It was pretty comical! They actually did an amazing job not touching things in the different stores and stayed interested in it for a lot longer than I had expected. I guess that means we can head back over for another visit when there is some snow on the ground :)

Taylor and Maddie were obsessed by the life size bears all throughout Leavenworth! I could have posted 10 different pictures with the girls and bears...they kept insisting on getting their pictures taken with all of them!

We had a rainy day right before we left for our trip over the moutains so Dave and I decided to take the girls to the movies. We went and saw Wallie (not my favorite kid movie by the way!). It was nice to spend some time together just the four of us before we left!
It seems as if we are frantically trying to do as much as possible before school starts again in a few weeks! The girls went to their new day care for a few hours today (Miss Tammy got a teaching job) and as much as I was dreading the drop off it actually went pretty smoothly. We had no tears until lunch time when Maddie refused to eat and apparently went into another room and cried for her mommy for a half an hour. When I asked her why she didn't want to eat she said that she was just "being shy". Hopefully that won't last too much longer...breaks my heart to know that she was crying. We have been so lucky to have the girls at such a great place these last few years- this will be a big adjustment for all of us. I am planning on taking them back for a whole day next week and then the following week they will have to go for two days (I have state days) and then after Labor Day they will go to Miss Brenda's 4 days a week. The rest of our week is busy- we go to visit Roger, Lynette, Amy, Drew and Luke tomorrow on Camano Island which will be a lot of fun. Wednesday, Taylor has her friend Brooks coming over for a play date, Thursday I have Bunko at our house and my sister will be here visiting with Emilie. Then on Saturday we head to Whidbey Island for a wedding! Phew...Busy, but loving it! Just savoring my time with the girls as much as I can before September rolls around. Wishing everyone a great week! ~Heather~
Here are some random pictures I found on my camera...Enjoy!

Our Taylor Bug~she loves to dress up-notice her beautiful earrings? They were Dave's Grandma's clip on earrings that he has been saving for them to wear....She loves them!

Dave's family came to visit on Saturday night- the cousins, Taylor (4), Drew (2) and Maddie (2) had lots of fun together!

Drew really wanted to wear the same type of jammies as Maddie~ here they are "matching"! Drew's daddy will certainly love this picture! (Sorry Matt)

Luke (5 1/2 months) was enjoying some snuggle time with Uncle David!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crescent Bar

The girls and I just got back from spending a week at Crescent Bar with my mom. We had so much fun hanging out in the beautiful but very HOT weather! I have tons of pictures to share and I think they will sum up all the fun we had together. Many great memories were made over the week and will not be forgotten for years to come! Thanks to Connie and Richard for a fun four days as well!

On our first morning at C.B. the girls were put to work scrubbing the deck!

Taylor, I mean "Jazzy" the dog...the girls were dogs all week long!

Maddie AKA Razzy the dog

We did lots of swimming in the pool which was Maddie's favorite!

What's a trip to Crescent Bar without a spin out on the jet ski?

The girls slept in a fort one night...They LOVED it!

On one of the hottest days of the week, beer was going for $9 a bottle :) You gotta love Richard!

(For those of you with bad eyes...he made a hat that said Cold Beer $5 then crossed it out and put $9!)

Connie, Taylor and Grandma went Kayaking!

We had lots of fun riding on the boat, jumping into the river (Connie you will notice that you are blocked by Richard's hand!) and even took a cat nap!

Taylor loves the sand and had a blast playing in it!

This picture is actually pretty funny because it is of Maddie on our last day at C.B.~ All the other days we were there, she wouldn't TOUCH the sand. Go Figure!

This pictures sums up how much fun the girls had!

We had lots of snuggle time with Grandma!

Sugar Cookies-Yum!

As I was packing and getting ready to head to Crescent Bar for a week with the girls and my mom, Taylor asked me if we could make some cookies to take with us. I told her that would be great! When I went to get the chocolate chips out to start making the cookies with her she quickly informed me that she didn't want to make those kind but the one's where you can put sprinkles on them when they are done cooking. Now, I was fine with the chocolate chip cookies, but sugar cookies? UGH! As most of my family knows one thing that I have always detested doing with a passion is making sugar cookies. I remember vividly having to sit with my sister and mom on the night before Easter decorating hundreds (well, it sure felt like hundreds!) of sugar cookies. I have carried my wonderful attitude about sugar cookies throughout my lifetime; both my mom and sister still joke with me about making them. I usually only do it once a year, at Christmas, with the girls and the last time we did it, quite frankly, it was not fun- both were too little and lost interest quickly in it and I ended up having to frost and sprinkle the cookies by myself! So....was I excited to do this? Not in the least bit! But did I do it? Of course! and you know what? It was actually fun! Having my own kitchen now made it that much better right off the bat and Taylor really did help me with all the mixing and measuring. When it came time to frost, Taylor stayed with me the entire time! Maddie even joined in at the very end of our frosting time (just in time to lick the bowl!) So, I guess I will eat my words about sugar cookies for now....

Taylor hard at work!

Maddie didn't frost many cookies...she was too busy licking her fingers!

Maddie and Taylor being silly!

The finished product! Yum!