Friday, December 31, 2010


We just returned from our 2nd annual after Christmas trip to Seaside with Carolyn, Jerry and his family. It truly is the perfect way to end a pack filled vacation. You have no other choice but to relax! The weather was truly horrible (minus our last day!) with side ways rain, a wind storm and hail so we spent the majority of our time inside going to the pool, reading, playing games and of course eating! Maddie ended up having to go to the walk in clinic while we were visiting- she ended up having a double ear infection- it really didn't dampen her spirits until the doctor told her she couldn't go into the pool anymore. Being the greatest parents ever we of course still let her go in...shh...don't tell the doctor :) Honestly though, she doesn't get her head wet so we figured it wouldn't hurt her all that much. On our last night in Seaside Dave and I, Paul and Senna and Mindy and Randy went out to our favorite bar- Dundee's! Let's just say we had a great time and that Senna and I walked away as the champions of shuffle ball for the 2nd year in a row....

Here is what most of our days looked like.

But this one day made it all worthwhile! Absolutely breathtaking!

Each of the girls got some spending money to shop with. This is what Maddie came home with :) I love the socks she put on him!

The highlight for the girls was that they had a t.v. in their room! It only played DVD's but they were as happy as can be! They were even more thrilled when we said they could eat their dinner on the bed!

Here's Maddie AKA Cheetah girl ready to hit the pool! We spent HOURS at the pool watching the kids swim but ironically I didn't take any pictures while they were swimming.

Merry Christmas!

What a fun Christmas we had! It was especially fun to watch Maddie this year- everything was so exciting for her and she was thrilled by everything she received- giving lovely hugs after each present was opened. It made my heart melt quite frankly. Taylor was excited as well but she has always been like that- so it was fun to see Maddie in that role this year. Santa brought Taylor a skate board and her own video camera and he brought Maddie a guitar and a video camera. All items have already been put to good use! In the afternoon we had my family, Carolyn, Mindy and her family and Jerry and his family over for Christmas dinner. It was a packed house but very fun! I do enjoy hosting and it was nice to put my Christmas dishes to use! After everyone left, my mom, sister, Paul, Emilie and Trey stayed overnight and we did gifts with them. After the kids went to bed the adults exchanged gifts as well. We stayed up late into the night eating and drinking! Fun times with lots of good memories!

Dinner plates for the guests. The girls and I made these for everyone. They were a hit!

Paul made Dave a cribbage board out of an old end table for Christmas. It was a favorite! Summer cribbage has never looked better...hurry up sun and get here!

This was the best picture I could get of the four of them! They were anxiously awaiting the time to open all the gifts under the tree- these were all just from Grandma Kathy! Can anyone say spoiled?

Taylor and her skate board from Santa! She's already been riding it in the garage- she'll be great with a little more practice!

Maddie and her new guitar from Santa! She cracks us up- she'll randomly come out of her room with it strumming a song :)

Christmas Eve

We had a very quiet Christmas Eve as a family this year. We hosted Christmas dinner for 23 people so I spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen and cleaning up the house but in between that we played games, watched movies and basically waited for night to arrive! After dinner, we opened a few presents...our traditional jammies and a book as well as gifts from Taylor and Maddie to one another. This year, Maddie got Taylor a barbie dog (let's just say it didn't work and Taylor was quite upset about the whole thing) and Taylor got Maddie a zhu zhu pet and a purse for it. After gifts, it was time to put out santa letters, the milk, cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Maddie informed us that she would know if rudolph came if ALL the carrots were gone, not just a bite from them. Not quite sure how she knew this? :)

Please excuse Taylor's face...she had been crying for about an hour about her dog not working..poor girl- when she cries her face gets all blotchy and red just like mine does :)

Maddie really wanted to take a picture of Dave and I....I thought she did pretty well :)

The girls outside throwing their reindeer food- this was the year they discovered that our fireplace didn't have an actual chimney....can you say panic? Thank goodness for reindeer food on the grass.

The girls setting everything out for Santa!

Taylor's note to Santa. It reads: "I do not care if I get a go go pup but I really want a go go pup!" Please note that I was TERRIFIED of her reaction on Christmas morning because Santa didn't bring her a go-go pup...she had to wait until that night when my mom brought her one. You should have seen her face! Priceless.

Maddie's list....translation from top to bottom: "Maddie. Santa. Kids Apple (apples to apples game for kids- starts on 2nd line and moves up to top!). Jeans. Wii game. Ds Game. Not sure on next one. Moving to last page....Guitar (look at that G- it had Dave and I in stitches!), go go dog. zhu zhu pet. LOVE THIS LIST!!

Merry Christmas with love!

Cookie Party!

It's become one of my favorite events of the holiday season- our annual cookie party with our friends! I love to watch the kids interact and play with their friends and I love that we have developed such close friendships as adults as well. It's always a low key affair filled with lots of kids running everywhere, good food and lots of frosting and sprinkles!
I love that the girls know the "tradition", get your apron on so we can take a picture!

When I said lot of frosting and sprinkles I meant it!

All the girls! Myes, Kovals and Gentrys

Taylor, Molly and Chloe

The whole gang! L to R- Taylor, Chloe, Molly, Kaylin, Maddie and Macie

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pemberton/Anderson Christmas!

After leaving Matt and Amy's house we then headed to Tim and Katie's house for our annual Pemberton/Anderson family Christmas. It was such a nice, fun, relaxing evening! We ate, drank, visited, laughed and opened presents. The girls always have fun playing with our ever growing family- John, Kylee(who seriously slept the entire time!), Emilie and Trey(who is now a crawling boy!). Thanks to Katie and Tim for hosting!

Wow! We are so blessed to have all these gorgeous, healthy children in our family! Happy Holidays!

Dave held a very tired Kylee for quite some time at the party. At one point I believe he said: "I'd take another one if this is what they did all day" :) Thank goodness we all know that babies don't sleep all day!

Maddie girl had to get her baby Kylee fix as well!

Me and my beautiful mom!

Maddie, Emilie and Kylee.

Emilie and I played a very rousing game of guess what I'm drawing....

3 of the sweetest girls ever!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Myers Christmas

Friday evening came around and the Myers clan was ready to celebrate! School was out for winter break! Oh Yay! All of us except poor Taylor....I arrived home to see her laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, shivering. I soon discovered that she had a 101 temperature that soon rose to 103 and stayed steady for the next 24+ hours. We were all bummed about this as we were headed up North for our Myers Christmas celebrations- with both the entire family and then just Dave's dad, Lynette, The Flinn's and Mindy and her crew. We made the executive decision that I would attend with Maddie and that Dave would stay home with Taylor (let's face it the girls are big time Daddie's girls and even more so when they are sick). Maddie and I had a wonderful time visiting with family some of which we only see once a year- I will say it was very different though NOT having the other half of my crew with us though. Maddie and I spent the night (on bunk beds- thanks Drew!) with the family and in the morning much to my relieve, Dave informed me that Taylor's fever had gone away and that they would be joining us! We had a nice morning visiting and in the afternoon we had lunch and exchanged presents. The highlight? Oh me, Oh my....AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS! Two very happy and excited little girls who have NOT put them down since receiving them. They change Rebecca and Julie's clothes into their pajama's each night and as soon as they wake up, they change them back into their work day clothes. Maddie is also asking us to call her Julie....Thanks Grandpa and Grandma! And thanks to the Flinn's for hosting all of us!

Highlight of the Myers family party? Chris showing up to the party in his cop car! The kids had a blast turning the sirens on.....

Up early in the morning! Luke, Drew and Maddie

Rebecca and Taylor! (sorry for the horrible picture!)

Julie and Maddie!

LOVE this picture...the sun shining in, underwear on, his Dora playdough, sunglasses and his glass of kid wine :

Maddie opening her gift from the kids exchange.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Keeping True to my Word.....

In keeping with my December promise to myself (if you've forgotten, it's to simply ENJOY and be IN every moment of the holiday season with the girls and Dave!) we've been doing lots of fun and random things! Here is an update....

Is that Dasher and Dancer? Nope! Just Maddie and Taylor as reindeer!

Taylor the reindeer!

It was a school night and the girls had opened their advent box for the day and out popped reindeer antlers. It always amazes me the things that they attach on to- this was one of them. Dave and I were cooking dinner and during that time, Taylor made Maddie a rudolph nose, taped it to her face and she stuffed pillows into her stomach to be Santa. They had this whole imaginary game going with presents and a sleigh!

We had our annual dinner with Jerry's family last weekend and it's become a tradition to make gingerbread houses. Taylor had more on her face then on her house :) and Maddie did her house all by herself this year- it's amazing what a difference a year can make- I remember last year having to put all the icing on her house for her!

We've had lots of rain in the last few weeks and on this particular day it was pouring! The girls were more then thrilled to make tags for our Christmas packages with me. I stamped and glued and they did all the glittering! You should have seen us by the time we were done....we were quite sparkly!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Preschool Program!

Miss Maddie had a Christmas program at her preschool on Wednesday. Oh.My.Too. Cute. There is just something about little cherubs singing Christmas songs that melts my heart! We were so proud of Maddie because she knew all the words to her songs and she sang. We were worried that she wouldn't want to stand up in front of the crowd but she did it (and even smiled!). Now, if we could just work on getting her into a cute Christmas dress all would be well in my world! :) You pick your battles right? Maddie girl, we love you and are so proud of you!

Here she is working her hand motions :)

This is Maddie's class. Notice the boy in the red sweater? Maddie LoVeS him.....

All smiles walking back down from the performance!

Maddie asked if Taylor could come to the performance and so we picked her up early from school so she could watch her sister.

Maddie getting ready to sing!